Squid ink pasta with dried egg yolk

Joanna Cao and Jason Chen


  • Squid Ink Pasta (either already dyed or cuttlefish ink + spaghetti alla chitarra) 

  • Eggs

  • Salt/Pepper

  • Oil

  • Garlic

  • White Wine

  • Roe 

  • Butter

  • Pancetta

  • Calamari 

Cured Egg Yolks:

*this version creates a hard yolk that you can grate. for a runny consistently, only partially cure.

  1. Pour about a half inch of salt into a glass dish and create divots for the egg yolks to be placed in. 

  2. Cover the egg yolks with more salt until they are completely covered with ¼ inch salt on top 

  3. Leave them to cure for about a week and store them in the fridge to be kept cool 

  4. After a week, take the yolks out and use a damp towel to take off the extra salt

  5. Place the egg yolks in a 200 degree oven for about an hour to air dry (this makes it hard and not runny I think) 

Squid Ink Pasta:

  1. Boil water and add salt 

  2. Chop garlic into slices and add them to a hot pan with olive oil 

  3. Add about a spoonful of cuttlefish ink and a quarter cup of white wine to the pan. Stir and combine

  4. Drop spaghetti into boiling water for about 6 minutes 

  5. Add butter to the sauce and cook down so that it combines and has a velvety consistency 

  6. Add pasta to the sauce and toss and combine. Top with cured egg yolk, roe, and thinly sliced and sautéed calamari.


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