Dolmas “Gorky Style”

Jacky Cheng and Tananya Prankprakma

Dolmas “Gorky Style”

Materials (3 portions):


Grape leaves             20 pieces     

Ground beef                     12oz

Onion                                    1

Black pepper                   some

Short grain rice             1.5 cup

Butter                             1 stick

Chicken stock                2 cups

Extra virgin olive oil          some

Allspice                           some

Cumin                             some

Parsley                        1 bunch

Garlic                            1 head


Sumac garlic yogurt

Yogurt, plain                  ~10 oz     

Ground sumac                 some

Garlic                            1 head


Charred eggplant puree

Eggplant                                2

Extra virgin olive oil          some

Lemon                                   1


Pomegranate chili sauce / combined with reduction

Pomegranates                              3

Bird’s ey chili peppers (fresh)               3

Champagne (or rice) vinegar        some

Honey                             some

Heavy cream few, if needed. 250mL

Sugar                                 50g

Balsamic vinegar              10ml


Herb chlorophyll sauce

Mint                         2 bunches

Parsley                        1 bunch

Heavy cream few, if needed. 250 mL 




1. Rinse rice and soak in water for 20 minutes

2. Sautee onions in butter until browned

3. Combine rice, onions, minced meat, EVOO, then season with salt and pepper

4. [R&D] take half of the stuffing and add additional allspice, cumin, parsley, garlic

5. Roll dolmas (12) using grape leaves and stuffing

6. Layer grape leaves on the bottom of pot

7. Add dolmas to pot

8. Place a plate or aluminum foil on top of dolmas for stability

9. Add 2 cups of chicken broth (salted!) and cook for 50 minutes on low heat

Rationale: no spices in dolmas so they can be enjoyed alone, or with every single type of sauce. Compare dolmas with and without allspice and cumin.

Charred eggplant puree

10. Roast eggplant in oven for 30 minutes, 400F

11. Scoop out flesh of roast eggplant and blend with EVOO

12. Rectify taste with lemon juice and salt

13. Strain into container and store in hot water bath

Herb chlorophyll sauce

14. Prepare ice bath

15. Blanch parsley and mint in boiling water for 5 seconds

16. Move the herbs to ice bath and chill

17. Transfer herbs to a separate container and blend with EVOO and salt. Gradually add more ice water and olive oil, and heavy cream

18. Strain into container and set aside at room temperature

Pomegranate chili sauce

21. Filet chili pulp

22. In a small stockpot, simmer pomegranate seeds and chili with 2 tbsp of vinegar

23. When all the vinegar evaporates, add EVOO and blend peppers with blender

24. Rectify the taste with honey, rectify thickness with olive oil and water

25. Strain into container and store in hot water bath

Pomegranate reduction

26. In boiling water, add pomegranate seeds and sugar

27. Boil for 10 minutes to extract flavor and color

28. Strain out pomegranate seeds

29. Use rapid reduction to reduce liquid to syrup, let cool

30. Rectify taste with balsamic vinegar

31. Strain into container and set aside at room temperature

Sumac garlic yogurt

32. Grate raw garlic

33. Mix grated garlic with yogurt and sumac powder

34. Strain into container and keep refrigerated


35. Line platter with baking sheet

36. Using a spoon, splatter sauces in the order of:

eggplant puree à yogurt à tomato sauce à herb sauce

37. Arrange dolmas on platter

38. Drizzle with pomegranate reduction

39. Finish with Maldon salt flakes


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