Apple Rose Tarts

Eliza Bazakas, Jacob Teo, and April Wu

Apple Rose Tarts (30 servings)

Reference recipes

Special equipment

  • Muffin tin

  • Rolling pin

  • Mandolin, because slicing many apples is hard : /

Puff Pastry (makes 26 oz)

  • 4 Tbsp. sugar

  • 3 tsp. kosher salt

  • 5 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting

  • 5 sticks chilled unsalted butter


  1. Combine sugar, salt, flour, half of butter into food processor. pulse to combine

  2. Dump into bowl, add in other half of butter that has been sliced into thin squares. 

  3. Drizzle in 7 tbsp ice water and combine into 6 in square, wrap in plastic wrap, chill 2 hrs

  4. Let dough sit at RT for 4 min to soften. roll into long rectangle 1/4 in thick

  5. Letter fold, rotate 90 degrees, repeat 

  6. Chill 30 min

Apple Roses

  • 12 honeycrisp apples

  • 3/2 cup sugar

  • 1 tsp sea salt

  • 3 tbsp lemon juice 

  • 6 tbsp ground cinnamon 

  • 3 tsp nutmeg

  • Mint, for garnishing (~10 oz) 

  • 6 tbsp melted butter

  • 1 cup Powdered sugar 


  1. Slice apples thinly and toss with ¼ cup sugar, salt, and vanilla extract. Let sit in fridge for 30 min

  2. Mix ¼ cup sugar, 2 tbsp ground cinnamon, salt, 1 tsp ground nutmeg

  3. Roll out puff pastry, brush with melted butter and sprinkle sugar spice mixture

  4. Line up apple slices and roll into roses

  5. Freeze for 20 min

  6. Bake 375 F 20-30 min (estimate)

  7. Reserve liquid from macerated apple slices and reduce into caramel sauce

  8. Drizzle with caramel sauce, dust with powdered sugar, garnish with mint!


Lamb Ratatouille


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